"En la educación, llega un momento que todo nos puede parecer un mar de dudas, si colaboramos entre todos,las resolveremos."

jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013


El otro día los auxiliares de conversación del cole realizaron varias actividades con los alumnos para que conocieran esta fiesta anglosajona de celebrar el día de acción de gracias.

Aquí os dejo una pequeña explicación de como fue el día por parte de Koy Saechao un auxiliar de conversación del grupo bilingüe.

On November 28, 2013, the Student Assistants celebrated Thanksgiving Day with the students in the classrooms. The Student Assistants prepared all the materials and activities for each classroom according to their grade level.

For students in grades 2-4, they watched a short video about the history of Thanksgiving with music that they could sing along to. Then they engaged in a fun activity of making paper Indian hats with colorful feathers. The students wrote what they were thankful for on each of the feathers to share with their friends and family. Once the activity was complete, the students got to wear the feather hats throughout the entire school day.

For students in grades 5-6, they watched a short  video about the history of Thanksgiving and then completed a worksheet to help them have a better understanding of this holiday. Then they engaged in a fun activity of making turkey hand drawings. In this activity, the students traced their palms on a colored piece of paper and added additional details to create the shape of a turkey.  Then students can write down words to describe what they are thankful for in celebration of Thanksgiving Day. In some classes, the students had the opportunity to walk around the room to write thoughtful messages on the papers of each of their classmates. Students wrote down words like, ¨Thank you for being my friend¨. The meaning behind this activity was to help the students understand why Americans celebrate Thanksgiving every year --- to give thanks, show appreciation to the people you care about, and enjoy a meal together with the people you love. The students were able to take these papers home and show to their family. They can also post it up somewhere in their room to remind them about the meaning of Thanksgiving and that they are special.

All the students seemed to enjoy the Thanksgiving Day celebration very much. They laughed with their friends and sang along to the songs in the videos during the activities.

2 comentarios:

  1. Esta semana en el cole ha sido genial! Qué divertidos los niños. Hemos podido explicar el significado de Thanksgiving a través de videos, fotos, canciones e imágenes. Los niños han aprendido que Thanksgiving es un festivo super importante para los americanos y la historia de la primera cena.

  2. Thanksgiving with the children was so much fun! We had a wonderful time preparing activities to teach the children about this great American holiday. We talked about various things we were thankkful for, and were able to complete a wonderful turkey craft!
